I just had a sudden insight that I’m sure may have escaped your attention.
Well, don’t feel bad. After all, I’m a genius, and you’re
not. But you have a sweet spirit and will probably be spared when
I crush the thrones of this earth under my booted heel. But that’s not a
promise. Stop being so needy.
Anyway, my insight was about The Burden of Beauty. The capitals
on The Burden of Beauty should clue you in that this will be our topic.
Or really my topic. I’m writing, and you’re reading. It’s good to keep
those roles straight.
Yes, it’s true that beautiful people get the best jobs, make the most
money, get better care in emergency rooms and hospitals, receive more
respect from their peers and loved ones, and live longer. These statements
are all supported by real statistics, not ones I made up.
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