Okay, I can understand running out of blinker fluid. It happens.
Apparently. Let’s not get up on our high horse about that. After
all, when was the last time you had your car’s blinker fluid
level checked?
But this whole I-don’t-see-the-stop-sign-so-it-doesn’t-exist thing,
that’s odd. I don’t understand it. Toddlers believe something similar;
that’s why peek-a-boo is such a hit with them. You disappear for a
moment, and then you miraculously reappear. You’re the most amazing
person they’ve met in their short life! Of course, that feeling
doesn’t last, and by the time your toddler has grown into a teenager,
you’re quite possibly the dumbest parent who has ever walked the
earth and only put here to “totally” embarrass her/him. Which you
should do at each and every opportunity. It’s your duty.
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